Our Ingredients

Healthy ingredients with no hidden nasties!

Food should be made with real and natural ingredients – this is how it’s supposed to be eaten and this is what our body understands.

That’s why we leave out the many potentially harmful chemicals typically used in the commercial production of food, such as preservatives, additives, flavours, colours, and emulsifiers. At the Healthy Cooking Company, we’re all about nourishment and development. 

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Rainbow of Vegetables

Only 6.8% of Aussies are consuming enough vegetables and we’re on a mission to turn this around. Vegetables truly are nature’s nutritional powerhouses and are an excellent source of fibre, antioxidants and phytochemicals. That's why we love to incorporate lots of vegetables in our children's meals!


Locally Sourced Meat & Fish

At the Healthy Cooking Company, we incorporate nutrient-dense animal protein from good-quality cuts of meat that provide protein, B vitamins, iron and zinc, while fish is a rich source of anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids as well as selenium and vitamin D.

Free Range Eggs

We proudly use only free range eggs in our recipes. Containing all the essential amino acids and fat-soluble vitamins, the humble egg is a gold mine of critical nutrients. They are also one of the few natural food sources of vitamin D.  The current advice is that you can happily enjoy up to 6 eggs a week – even if you have high blood cholesterol!


Lacto Fermented Foods & Dairy

Yoghurt provides an abundance of beneficial bacteria that help maintain a healthy digestive system. They are also a nutrient powerhouse, providing top quality protein, calcium and a serious boost in several B vitamins, magnesium and zinc. Most of the lactose is broken down into lactic acid, so people with lactose intolerance may be able to enjoy it with no problems! For these reasons, we love incorporating them into our menu.

We source our milk and dairy products fresh from Scenic Rim Milk and Barambah Organics. The Barambah Farms are Australian Ceritfied Organic to verify that no chemicals are being used in the farming system and ensuring that the dairy products are of the highest quality and taste. 

Gluten Free Grains

We love experimenting with a variety of gluten free grains, such as quinoa, millet, buckwheat and polenta. Quinoa is one of the only whole grains (along with amaranth) that contain all the essential amino acids, making it a complete protein. It is also low GI and has double the protein of rice!


Healthy Fats

Fats play an essential role in our diet and when consumed in adequate amounts from whole food sources, they can help manage mood, maintain healthy skin and even assist with weight management. They are also crucial for the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K. Our favourites include: olive oil, avocado and seeds.

Whole Grains

Whole grains are the best food sources of B vitamins, which are crucial in the liver’s first stage of detoxification. There is also strong evidence that a diet high in whole grains is associated with a reduced risk of weight gain. We include a range of nutritious whole grains in our menus, including oats, brown rice, freekeh and many more.

Plant Protein

Legumes of all types feature on our menu and provide a rich source of plant protein, complex carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. We especially love lentils as they are easier to digest, one of the lowest GI foods and one of the best plant sources of iron!





We deliver delicious, wholesome food for healthy, happy children & families!

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