
Promoting the importance of health eating

The Healthy Cooking Company was established in 2013 with a mission to develop healthy eating habits of children attending Queensland childcare centres.

We strongly believe that introducing nutritious meals at an early age will pave the road to a lifetime of healthy food choices. It is in their early years that children develop their tastes and attitudes about food and nutrition; hence, it is an essential time to educate and promote the importance of healthy eating.

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Healthy Cooking ready made meals for childcare centres

Our goals

  • To ensure educators have a better understanding of healthy eating and help educate children in their care.
  • To provide children attending Queensland childcare centres and their families with wholesome food – naturally!
  • To encourage family-style dining to develop a healthy food culture within the family setting. 

For many reasons, your child may need a special diet. We acknowledge this and try our best to accommodate for these requirements by supplying vegetarian, gluten-free, lactose-free and dairy-free alternatives. To ensure the safety of children who experience severe allergic reactions (anaphylaxis), all our childcare meals are made without the use of nuts.

Healthy Cooking ready made meals for childcare centres

Recent statistics show:

  • Australia has doubled it's percentage of children with obesity over the last 20 years.
  • A third of Australian children are not eating the recommended daily serves of four to five vegetables and one or two pieces of fruit each day.
  • Children are eating too much saturated fat and sugar and not enough calcium.
  • Just one additional serve of fruit or vegies per day could save the direct health care system over $513 million a year.
  • 30% of all Australian children now obese or overweight.
  • On the basis of present trends we can predict that by the time our kids reach the age of 20 they will have a shorter life expectancy than earlier generations.

Our nutrient-dense meals not only nourish and fuel growing bodies, but establish healthy eating habits and build a wholesome food culture.

We deliver delicious, wholesome food for healthy, happy children & families!

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Welcome to the Healthy Cooking Company! If you have any questions, please fill out the form or phone: (07) 3806 0087

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